Bodyguard, Close Protection & Security Fails!
Here you will find a selection for videos and articles of where security details and close protection personnel have failed in someway or another. I have put these videos up for training purposes and as instructor resources. In the close protection business it is far better to learn from others mistakes that to learn from your own!
Remember - Prevention is far better than a cure, because something can not e cured!
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Nigel Farage Hit By A Milkshake Attack... Security Fail!
Arnold Schwarzenegger Attack - SECURITY FAIL!
Executive Protection Fail – Jeff Bezos
Israeli Military Attaches Car Stolen in Europe
Mafia Hit - Italy
Indonesia's Security Minister Stabbed
Afghanistan- Attack On President Hamid Karzai In Kabul
Houthi Drone Attack Yemen
Brazil - President Bolsonaro Stabbed
Hit Philippines - Armed Driver First Killed
Rapper "Futures" Knocked Out Cold
Businessman Assassinated Ukraine
US - New York Governor Candidate, Lee Zeldin, Attacked on Stage
Shoes and eggs thrown at Tony Blair before book signing in Dublin
Security Fail Canada
Catrtel Hit - Mexico
French President Gets A Well Deserved Slap!
Grenade Attack Zimbabwe
Venezuela's President Maduro survives drone 'attack'
Moroccan Presidents Motorcade Obstructed
Eggs thrown at Ed Miliband in London
Books on Amazon
Close Protection: Luxury & Hostile Environments
This book is relevant for bodyguards, investigators & those working in hostile environments.
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