Self-Defense & Knife Fighting Instructor
The self-defense and knife fighting instructor courses are taught over four days and cover the essential techniques and skills required to plan, organize and deliver professional self-defense classes, courses and events.
Event planning
Teaching skills
Self-defense & knife fighting techniques
These courses are practical, and students will be required to organize and teach assigned lessons. Everyone attending these courses must provide a minimum of 3-years comprehensive self-defense and hands on competition martial arts, MMA, bouncer or patrol police experience.
Self-Defense & Tactical Knife Fighting Instructor
Belgrade, Serbia (Europe) Course Fee: €799.00
Certifications: Self Defense Instructor & Tactical Knife Fighting Instructor
Those that successful pass the firearms instructor training courses to the required standard will be issues certification under the U.S. company "International Defense Strategies LLC." and will be included in their instructor network.
Contact us if you have any questions about the Self-Defense & Tactical Knife Fighting Instructor training program! Click here for contacts page!